Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Admission LIST FOR 2015/2016

Does your current JAMB result slip have your passport on it? Does it look similar to the one currently presented at the side of this write-up? If your answer is "NO", then let Myschool help you get your original Jamb Result Slip and send it to your email inbox today, before the day runs out.

We currently process JAMB Result Slips for exams conducted between 2004 - 2015.

The Jamb-UTME Result Slip is very important as it is usually required if;

1. You want to write Post-UTME for your school of choice. It is usually a required document to be submitted on the screening exam day.
2. You want to start your registration process for the school you are admitted into. Your school will ask for this document as a requirement (To verify your JAMB Score) for a successful registration.
3. You want to push for your admission into your school of choice either through supplementary or other admission lists.
4. You are already a student and your school requests for the document for processing anything

It will also be particularly useful to those who have lost access to their results due to exceeding the allowed 5 times limit of checking their result.

Myschool will get your JAMB Result Slip, send it to your email box and keep a back-up copy for you. If you misplace your copy in future, you can request and we will resend it to you for free.

The copy we are sending to your email box is JAMB Approved and has the following features;

1. It is the Original Copy from JAMB
2. It has your passport embedded on it
3. It is accepted in any institution you present it.
4. No scratch card is required for printing or re-printing.
5. No transportation fee or stress of getting it. You can even pay online.
6. It will be sent to your email box where you can reprint anytime and anywhere you are.
7. Even if deleted, Myschool will keep a backup copy for you and resend it for free.

Please note that the original Jamb Result Slip has your passport photograph embedded on it. If you have a result slip without your passport, it may be declined by your school of choice

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